Club Spotlight: Journalism Club
February 28, 2023

Do you want to write for the school newspaper, the Lincoln Log? If so, journalism club is the club for you.
An extension of journalism class, the club allows writers who aren’t in the class to write for the paper alongside people who are in the class. If you’re not currently enrolled in the class, you are welcome to become a guest writer for the Log.
Once a first draft of an article is finished, it can be sent to an editor who edits grammar, spelling, and makes sure the content flows well. From there, section editors will make sure sources are reliable and cited correctly, before the draft is sent to the Editor-in-Chief for a final round of edits. The design team then works to get articles published.
New editions are published every other Wednesday. At least one printed edition of the newspaper is published every semester.
The club meets on Tuesdays after school. A typical meeting involves announcements concerning upcoming deadlines and feedback on recently published editions of the newspaper. Afterwards, there is time for writing and brainstorming. On days when there isn’t a meeting, the club room is open as a place to write and draft articles.

“I think this is a great community. We are a very small community, but everyone is really nice in here and it’s a supportive place to come and write,” says Corey Hoffman, Editor-in Chief, of the club. She’s looking forward to more people joining the club in the future as well as expanding the newspaper into the wider student body and hopes more people will want to have their work published in the paper.
Journalism club meets on Monday’s during lunch in room 363. Check out other Log articles at