Love is Blind: Seattle Edition
June 22, 2023
Note from the editors: This piece was originally drafted for a previous newspaper edition, but was pushed due to lack of space. Some views may be outdated based on information that has come out since this article was most recently drafted and edited.
If you have not heard, Love is Blind has come to Seattle. This Netflix show follows around a group of men and women who date through a wall and attempt to uncover true love.
The daters are only allowed to meet after they are engaged. Shortly thereafter, the engaged couples move in together and experience life in the “real world” where they encounter issues such as finances, family, and personal habits. Finally, at the altar, each participant decides whether or not to say “I do.”
The couples in this season have been interesting and I have some thoughts.
Brett and Tiffany:

My favorite couple. Brett (36) is a design director at Nike who wants a partner that is successful, independent, and strong and Tiffany (37), a client lead recruiter, is looking for someone creative and innovative.
Nothing extreme gets between this co
uple and they ultimately marry. I enjoy every moment they are on screen.
Initially, Tiffany fears others will reject her for her age, but Brett calms those nerves with his superb listening skills and genuine actions. I honestly found myself grinning watching them interact.
The only hiccup in their storyline happens when Tiffany falls asleep while Brett is confessing his love for her. Brett thinks Tiffany has left the room, but in reality, she’s obliviously asleep. At first, Brett is pretty hurt, but he forgives Tiffany and everything gets back on track.
Zack and Irina:
Zack (31) is a criminal defense attorney and his match Irina (25) is an event planning busin

ess owner. Initially, Zack was torn between Bliss, a woman he shortly dated during the experiment, and Irina.
While Bliss seemed like the obvious choice in this love triangle, Zack ended up proposing to Irina and their engagement was short lived. I mean, there IS a reason why people say not to trust a man’s intuition.
Irina spends the whole season gossiping with her bestie Micah, and at one point, they both find out their castmate has been rejected and respond by laughing. This confirms that Irina is deeply insecure and enjoys other women’s failures.
Upon seeing Zack for the first time, Irina comments that he looks like a cartoon character and it becomes apparent quickly that Irina isn’t attracted to Zack physically, with her refusing to be intimate with him.
Eventually, Zack ends it with Irina and gets with Bliss, saying, “I made the wrong choice. You know I did, and I do too.”
Bliss and Zack then end up marrying. At the reunion, the couple addressed the Irina drama, stating that after their Mexico honeymoon Irina texted Bliss saying, “You dodged a bullet.” While Bliss forgives Irina, Zack attacks her, saying, “If we’re real, you went on this show to get famous.”
Also, might I add that when Zack sings for Irina, my reaction was BOOO! It made me nauseous because if a man ever attempted to woo me by poorly singing and thinking I would be flattered by the effort…. Bye.
Marshall and Jackie :
Marshall (27), a marketing

manager, and Jackie (27), a dental assistant, match.
I love, love, love Marshall and I would steal him for myself if I could. Not only is he hot, but he comforts and reassures Jackie on multiple occasions. Unfortunately, Jackie has a ton of insecurities and it is blatant that she craves a toxic relationship and is not emotionally ready for marriage and true commitment.
Eventually, Jackie breaks it off with Marshall and gets together with another Love is Blind castmate, Josh. Marshall asks for the wedding ring back and Jackie refuses. Texts then leak of Jackie insinuating that Marshall is gay. While Jackie a

nd Josh are currently dating, things might not be all sunshine and roses. Just between us, my friend saw them at a bar in Ballard the last weekend of April and Jackie ran out pissed while Josh stood there.
Kwame and Chelsea:

Kwame (33), a former soccer player, is looking for someone who matches his energy, while Chelsea (31), a speech language pathologist, is looking for commitment and a charming man. Initially, Kwame wants Micah, but she rejects him for Paul.
Eventually, Kwame chooses Chelsea, who wanted him from the get go. Unfortunately, I do not approve of this relationship because Chelsea is gorgeous, accomplished, and kind, but Kwame is TERRIBLE. He continuously flirts with Micah in front of Chelsea and if I were Chelsea I would pack my things and dip.
Nevertheless, at the altar, both say “I do.”
While I dislike Kwame, I do feel the producers misrepresented their relationship as they highlighted more of the bad than the good. Since filming, videos of Chelsea and Kwame have released and they do truly seem in tune with each other.
Also, might I add it seems that Kwame’s time on Love is Blind is not the first time he has been on reality T.V. Apparently, an eagled- eyed fan watching Marriage at First Sight noticed him in the opening minutes of season 10. Kwame has some serious explaining to do.
Paul and Micah:

Paul (29), an environmental scientist, proposes to Micah (27), a marketing manager, who is looking for someone smart and career oriented. I do not know what he sees in her because she is mean girl energy 100%.
Micah and Paul eventually get engaged and the reveal goes well. When they finally meet the other couples, however, drama ensues.
Micah shares a flirty conversation with Kwame and Irina reveals she’s more physically attracted to Paul than her soon-to-be husband Zack. (The fact that she’s Micah’s best friend seems to be irrelevant to her.)
At the altar, Micah is asked to answer first but instead addresses Paul, saying, “I think that in this moment, the best thing that I can do for us is to give you the opportunity to answer first.” Unfortunately, Paul replies, “I love you, but I don’t think that we can choose each other right now.”
Then in a private interview Paul explains that the reason he said no was because he could not see her as a mother and she didn’t have a “nurturing presence.” I mean, fair, but why embarrass her on T.V.?
While Micah is devastated from the rejection, her best friends in the audience have a mini party with one exclaiming, “That’s how I wanted it to go.” I mean, I am not surprised these are Micah’s friends, as toxic attracts toxic.
- What is going on with the gold cups – there is literally a montage of them in every single episode?
- The word “like” is used multiple times in a sentence.
- Perhaps if the contestants were not constantly drinking, they would have a more realistic idea of what they wanted in a partner.
- Anytime anything slightly emotional happens, the background music sings the couple’s feelings like a toddler trying to articulate itself. “I’m afraid!” goes the music, as someone reveals their insecurities. “I feel it all!” it pumps as someone is having an emotional meltdown.
- Producers: “We wanna do a scientific experiment that is supposed to show whether love is based on appearance or personality.” Also producers: “Let’s only cast hot people”
While the show is completely unrealistic, it is addictive. Like, what the heck – after a couple shallow conversations, they all are suddenly in love? I call BS.
However, I understand that if you throw multiple good-looking, emotionally immature people together, someone IS bound to fall in love. Because of this, I give 5 stars, as it is a train wreck that I couldn’t stop watching.