Dr. Eichner Has Drip?

Elyod Daniel & Zidan Ochoa
Grade 11
Nebeyat Dessie


Describe each other’s fashion/style:

Z: “Elyod has very nice streetwear style. I think you can definitely notice when he’s around ‘cause he looks cool. And he always looks very pretty!”

E: “Throughout this year, Zidan has changed it up– he’s had like 3 phases. The 1st being streetwear. The 2nd wearing suits kinda, ya button ups and tight pants. And right now, he got that drip. [Goes on to describe outfit] I think he has one of the best styles, you know, when he’s in the room, ‘cause he’s just him.”


What’s your favorite aspect of each other’s style?

E: “I like how Z puts everything on– he can mismatch and pull it off. I just like his style in general, his shoes, especially his pants.”

Z: “I like the way he can match his clothing. I think he color coordinates very well. He does very well in the morning getting dressed.”



Maddie Bazel & Sophia Bazel
Grade 11 & 12
Nebeyat Dessie



Describe each others fashion/style:

S: “It’s like 2000’s Gilmore’s Girls mixed with like, Vampire Diaries…no, Elena Gilbert. Early 90’s and 2000s mix.”

M: “Hot mom.”


What’s your favorite aspect of each other’s style?

S: “I like all the jeans that she has. I think all of her jeans always look good on her.”

M: “I like all of her shirts. She has a good variety of shirts that all pair well with her pants.”




Elias Hull & Dylan Montgomery
Grade 9
Azucena Urrea-Beltran



Describe each other’s fashion/style:

D: “He wears a lot of thrifted clothes– he goes for that baggy/skater style. He’s got that long hair, ya know what I mean? He looks very relaxed all the time.”

E: “I’d say he also has that skater-y style but he makes it his own. And he always uses proportions right.”


What’s your favorite aspect of each other’s style?

D: “Definitely his face. I think Elias wears unique pants, like he’s got all-white denim on right now. He always compliments colors well. He’s got on every color right now.”

E: “How about his jackets? He’s always got on fire zip-ups and jackets.”


Ablel Gotiom & Dr. Eichner
Grade 11 & Principle
Nebeyat Dessie


Describe each other’s fashion/style:

A: “Dr. Eichner got that lil’ nice jacket, black and gray. Then he got the nice drippy pants and the nice drippy shoes. And to bring all together the nice walkie-talkie too.”

E: “We got matchy-match going on from head to toe, we got the red sweatshirt that ties right into the black pants and black and red shoes. We got some serious Lincoln swag.”


What’s your favorite aspect of each other’s style?

E: “Lincoln pride! Definitely.”

A: “ I like the walkie-talkie, but I like everything. It just brings it all together.”