Dear Senior Reporters
June 22, 2023
As the Class of 2023 nears the closing of their high school experience and the beginning of their futures, the team here at the Lincoln Log wants to take a step back to recognize some of the inspiring achievements of our senior staff members.
Honorable Mentions – Best Reporter and Best Editor
George Groebner, Staff Reporter & Lost and Found Reporter

It’s difficult to pay homage to a writer with such a paramount storytelling ability and vocabulary, because I know that George’s achievements should be described with the same level of eloquence as his own writing, though such a feat is only achievable by the Lost and Found Reporter himself. Over the course of his time at the Lincoln Log, George has gifted us with a total of nine comprehensive reports of the intriguing items stored in the Lost and Found. He also has a gift for appeasing Dr. Eichner while voicing his own opinions: the title “Exhibitions: How Serious is the Threat?” should speak for itself.
After high school, George plans to attend Whitman College for environmental studies, and I sincerely hope that Whitman’s lost-and-found is as captivating to him as Lincoln’s was. According to George, his favorite part about working at the Lincoln Log has been “…finding opportunities for creativity in the mundane”. Considering the level of detail he can reach when writing about everyday objects such as plates or water bottles, I certainly think he has achieved such.

Jacob Lutzker, Staff Reporter & Opinion Editor
During his time working for the Lincoln Log, Jacob has touched on topics that Lincoln students and staff have been questioning for years, but have never gotten the chance to look into themselves. His articles about the schoolwide Internet filter and the details of Senior Assassin, for example, report on seemingly normal Lincoln events that others have overlooked or new traditions that have yet to be traversed.
He resolutely communicates his own perspectives through his articles, but the level of depth he goes into with his outside research and interviews he conducts balance his writing perfectly. His work would convince even the most hesitant of relatives to embrace new ideas and care about the world around them.
Aside from his own writing, Jacob is one of the best editors we’ve ever had. His suggestions in distinctive yellow highlight have taken many an article to the next level, and he can give even English majors a run for their money with the skillset he has.
After college, Jacob wants to become a cultural critic journalist or essayist. He recalls his time at the Lincoln Log as “liberating”, and he loved writing “basically whatever I wanted”.

Nick Winemiller, Designer
Aside from being a responsible and hardworking designer, Nick has helped unite the design team and make fifth period comfortable and more friendly. After high school, he plans to attend Chapman University to study business and economics.
His favorite Log memories include meeting the rest of his team and the experiences he had with them. While we’ll miss Nick’s energy in journalism class, we know he’ll make every college lecture hall he steps into brighter.
Lauren Goddu, Designer
Lauren’s design work on the Lincoln Log has been creative and polished, and she’s always willing to work through layout issues that may arise with the rest of the design team, other writers, or editors. Along with Nick, she’s helped to make journalism class an exciting space.
After high school, she plans on attending the University of Washington to study design and play DI Ultimate Frisbee. Her favorite Log memory also includes the people she’s met: “I love the group of people I met through the Log and the design team”. Lauren has greatly helped to inspire the design team and the rest of the newspaper, and UW will be lucky to have her.