Ultimate Frisbee SPS Champs
October 31, 2022
It ended with a spike. Junior Jak Lin caught a pass from senior Alden Harcourt in the end zone and slammed the frisbee into the ground. The celebration was on. The Lynx had just won the Seattle Public Schools championship for ultimate frisbee!
On a smoky Wednesday afternoon, over a hundred Lincoln students and fans gathered around Lower Woodland, eager to see the Lynx win their first SPS title. Before the game, the boys were locked in, focused on the task at hand.
You could see the passion with which Lincoln wanted this trophy. They had fallen short many times before. The 2021-22 season was the season of almosts for the Lincoln Boys Ultimate team. They placed second in the Seattle Public Schools (SPS) finals last year, losing to Nathan Hale in the championship. They scored third in state last year, with Hale winning it all. Then in nationals, they grabbed bronze. A great accomplishment, but still no banner, no trophy, no title that would last forever at Lincoln High School. The team that won silver at nationals? Nathan Hale.

Fast forward four and a half months, and the Lynx were ready to capture their first title. On the other side of the field? None other than the Nathan Hale Raiders.
The first point was enough evidence for the students. Junior Ben Bolan caught the disc to start the point, and what followed was a beautiful series of throws and catches that ended with Jak Lin diving into the end zone, reeling in the disc, and securing the point.
The game was close for the first few points, but Lincoln started to pull away before halftime. They pulled out the win. Lincoln has finally gotten over the hump, one that will hopefully open up the doors to many others.
Senior Alden Harcourt still has gas in the tank. “We started off strong but we’ll finish stronger. Whoever guards me better watch out!”