Homecoming 2022
October 31, 2022
Overall, our first real homecoming with all 4 grades was a hit. Homecoming is an event that was originally supposed to be a time where colleges and high schools would welcome alumni back to campus. But for us, it was about creating new traditions.
The football game is a time to celebrate your team and have fun with friends. This year we played Cleveland High School on Friday October 14th, where we won 56-0. The student section went crazy with the glow theme. There were even people with neon paint on their faces, crazy glasses, construction vests and glow sticks.

The dance took place on the following Saturday October 15th, from 8-11pm. It was very busy and the lines were extremely long, but once you got inside the wait was worth it. The decorations, snacks and mood lighting really made it special. A big thank you to ASB for setting up and to the volunteers/staff for chaperoning!
Lincoln sold 1200 tickets this year for the homecoming dance. That means that 400 Lincoln students decided not to attend. 100 out of 1200 of those tickets were guests from outside Lincoln. Ms. Neu shared that she would guess “The attendance was evenly spread out between grades”.

I got the chance to talk to some of the Lincoln students who attended homecoming. There was positive feedback: Joey Sider (grade 11) shared that “It was pretty good, the line was too long, the DJ was good and it was fun.” Other students had fairly neutral opinions, like Theo Shernoff (grade 11), who said that “It’s about what I expected.”
There were also some critiques: Steel Shapiro (grade 10) thought that “it was alright. It was fun that there was a lot of space to do a lot of things” and that “it was too hot in the gym.” He even went as far as to say the gym “probably needs more ventilation.” Noelle Mason (grade 12) said, “Music could have been better, like maybe a student could DJ next time.”