Citas del día / Quotes of the day

Cristina Yat Ajpop, Student Life Writer

Espero que hayas descansado bien, esta semana sin duda será mejor que la anterior.

I hope you have rested well, this week will certainly be better than the previous one.


Cuando todo parece ir en tu contra, recuerda que un avión despega con el viento en contra, no a favor y aun así logra volar.  

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that a plane takes off against the wind, not with it, and still manages to fly.


A veces quedarse en cama parece un mejor plan, entiendo, pero vamos! Veamos que hay afuera, tu cama seguirá en su lugar.

Sometimes staying in bed seems like a better plan, I understand, but come on! Let’s see what’s outside. Your bed will stay in place.