Hot Takes – Week 3 [VIDEO]

Tell us what you think about these hot takes here: Microsoft Forms

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Joey Sider (11th)- Socks and Sandals are good

Joey Sider gives a hot take in the third floor hallway, saying that socks and sandals don’t deserve the hate they get. This is certainly a bold stance, as socks and sandals have been established as one of the most hated fashion combinations through the years. However, with the recent rise in Birkenstocks’ popularity, we’ve been seeing a lot more acceptance towards the sock and sandal trend, whether it is ironic or not. Joey brings up a fair point, saying that it’s better than seeing people’s toes, which I can’t disagree with.


Avery Dyer (10th)- Crocs are ugly

Avery Dyer, found on the third floor, confidently states, “crocs are ugly”. This is quite a controversial opinion, as there seem to be quite a lot of crocs clomping around during passing period. When crocs have the jibitz on top and are a nice basic color, they tend to be less of a monstrosity than the patterned ones. You have to be a specific type of person to make crocs work, and it seems Avery has yet to meet that person.


Theo Shernoff (11th)- Soccer is the worst sport

Theo Shernoff in Ms. Montgomery’s class said unfazed, “Soccer is the worst sport to ever be created” and “a sport should not be able to end 0-0”.  Part of the beauty of soccer is possibility of tying, and wanting the win more than the opponent. Regardless, Theo cannot truly have a valid opinion on the topic as he has never played a day of soccer in his life.


Enza Fammartino (10th)- Nike tech suits are ugly

Enza brutally shuts down the recent rise in Nike tech suit popularity, claiming that they are the “ugliest things in the world.” A brave statement, yet dare I say it’s what we were all thinking. Call me crazy, but I personally can’t justify spending hundreds of dollars on a glorified groutfit. I think it’s safe to say we’re all hoping to see this trend die down this upcoming winter.